In this article i will be explaining the following:
1. How to run a C# program through the command-line compiler.2. Explanation of the C# program.1. How to run a C# program through the command-line compiler.[Please Note i have assumed that you have .net framework/visual studio installed on your machine]
(a) Create a folder called MyFolder in C drive of your computer
(b) Open a notepad and paste the following code:
Using System;
namespace MyProgram
class MyClass
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This is an output from a C# program.")
(c) Save the file as MyProgram.cs in C: drive.
(d) Now go to
Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2005>Visual Studio Tools>Visual Studio 2005 Command prompt.(e) Type cd\ at the command prompt. This will bring you at
c:\> prompt
(f) Now type
cd MyProgram. You will be at
c:\MyProgram. Type
csc MyProgram.cs.(g) This compiles the c# code file to produce a MyProgram.exe.
(h). At
c:\MyProgram> type MyProgram ie it should look :
c:\MyProgram>MyProgram and then press enter. You will get the output->
This is an output from a C# program.
2. Explanation of the C# program.
(a) Using System: This line informs the c# compiler that the program refers to System namespace which consists of classes like Console which will be used by the program later.
namespace MyProgram: Declares a new namespace to group type declarations we are going to define under this name.
class MyClass: Type Declaration of type MyClass. With this you can create instances of type MyClass.
static void Main() : Declaration of a class member Main() which is a special function interpreted by the C# compiler as the starting point of the program.
Console.WriteLine("This is an output from a C# program.") : This statement uses a class called Console defined in System namespace. The Console has a Writeline member which outputs the text to programs console window, appending a newline character at the end of the string.